Access and advice on International artworks from artistic movements commencing in the 21st century to present day. 


GOLDHURST excel at sourcing, supporting and promoting  artists who are relatively under-recognised but for the most part considered on the path to critical and/or market acceptance. While characteristically championed by smaller galleries and art fairs focused on younger artists, larger galleries and institutions regularly focus their energy on artists to define new styles and careers.

Emergent and mid-career artists represent a tremendous investment opportunity for financial befit.

Emergent art represents a refined contemporary contribution to the future of art and a mature development of art movements and styles established in 20th century, particularly in figurative and abstract painting, sculpture and performance. It marks an important point in art history where the vast technological advances in digital communication of the 21st Century are represented by artworks embracing traditional, digital and analogue media.

We pride ourselves on maintaining dialogue with contemporary artists involving studio visits, continual market research and artist profiling. Please find below a selection of the artists we have focused on over the past decade.

CONTACT us to find out more about artworks in this department. and your complimentary consultation.


Featured Visuals:

 © Courtesy the Artist and respective gallery, estate, owners, assignees or others.